Obama: In Some Neighborhoods It’s Easier To Buy A Handgun Than A Fresh Vegetable

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

During an event in South Carolina, President Obama told students that he was disappointed that Congress refused to pass gun restrictions after the Sandy Hook elementary massacre.

“I’ll be honest with you, I thought that after what happened at Sandy Hook, that that would make us think about [it],” he said during a town hall event at Benedict College.

Obama said that one of the hardest days of his presidency was talking to the parents of children who were “gunned down in their own classroom.”

“You would have thought at that point, that’s gotta be enough of a motivator for us to want to do something about this,” he said with disbelief. “And we couldn’t get it done.”

He explained that he was still trying to do what he could to “crack down” on the availability of guns, but that it was difficult.

In some neighborhoods, he said, it was “easier for you to buy a firearm than it is to buy a book.”

“There are neighborhoods that it’s easier for you to buy a handgun and clips than it is to for you to buy a fresh vegetable,” he said. “As long as that’s the case than we’re going to continue to see unnecessary violence.”

Obama complained that in some places, political figures were trying to loosen gun restrictions.

“In fact, in some places it goes the opposite direction,” he said. “People just say well we should have firearms in Kindergarten and we should have machine guns in bars, and you think I’m exaggerating – I mean you look at some of these laws that come up.”


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