RNC Communications Director and chief strategist Sean Spicer issued the following statement in response to former DNC Communications Director and current American Bridge President Brad Woodhouse’s attack on New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, which claimed Democrats “want to kill him dead.”

We understand that Democrats are getting desperate after the recent revelations about their presumptive nominee and need to create a distraction. But in no circumstance is it acceptable to say about a sitting governor that you “want to kill him dead.” A line has been crossed, and Brad Woodhouse should apologize. That Democrats would use this sort of unacceptable rhetoric only underscores that they are flailing.

Woodhouse made the comments to Bloomberg Politics in a story earlier on Thursday : “We’re not going to pull resources from Christie, we want to kill him dead.”

However one chooses to characterize the over-the-top rhetoric, one can only imagine the media and Democrat outrage if the head of any Republican organization said as much in regard to Hillary Clinton, or any other prominent Democrat.

Meanwhile, a Christie spokesperson also responded to The Daily Caller.

A Christie spokesman responded to the comments from American Bridge: “We’ve always known the Hillary opposition research team has been laser focused on Governor Christie for the last few years, but ‘killing Christie dead’ is ridiculous rhetoric. By the way, he is still standing.”