Ninety-six Maine lawmakers are sponsoring a bill to rescind the requirement for a concealed carry permit in the Pine Tree state.

If passed, Maine would join Alaska, Arizona, Montana, Vermont, and Wyoming in legalizing both concealed and open carry without a permit.

According to ABC’s WMTW, state senator Eric Brakey (R-Auburn) put the bill forward. He contends that forcing citizens to get a permit to carry concealed in a state that allows open carry without a permit is the same thing as punishing people for carrying concealed.

Brakey said, “We criminalize the act of putting on a jacket or a coat that conceals [a handgun].” He said his bill is a way to say “we’re not going to treat you like a criminal if you put a jacket on.”

On February 13, Breibart News reported the New Hampshire’s senate voted to rescind the requirement for a concealed carry license in their state for the same reasons.

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