On February 26, Rush Limbaugh addressed the pending ammo ban for popular AR-15 ammunition by saying, “[Obama] wants to take guns out of everybody’s hands and if he can’t do that, he’s going to take the bullets that go in the guns out of everybody’s hands.”
Breitbart News previously reported that Obama’s ATF has proposed a ban on popular M855 ammo. They want to accomplish this by labeling it “armor piercing” ammo, which then allows them to use executive power to ban it under the auspices of the Gun Control Act of 1968.
Limbaugh referenced Americans who began hoarding ammunition in 2013 after the left’s “endless attempts to use shooting tragedies to push for even more gun control laws.” That, coupled with the non-stop ammunition orders for federal agencies, frightened a lot of Americans into thinking scarce ammunition was going to get more scarce. So they hoarded ammunition and were mocked by the mainstream media as “‘kooks’ and ‘hayseeds’ and ‘paranoids’.”
But Limbaugh says those hoarders are vindicated by the current attempt to ban AR-15 ammunition via executive action. And he warns every American–gun owner or not–that “this is how is starts.” Liberty will “slowly trickle away.”
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