Much of the Congressional Black Caucus has decided to ignore Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s March 3 speech to Congress about the impending Iranian nuclear threat, insisting that their insult is justified by what they call Netanyahu’s ”disrespect” of Barack Obama.

GOP Speaker of the House John Boehner invited Netanyahu to speak without asking Obama for his approval, and black politicians are taking umbrage with what they perceive as a slight to Obama.

The push to embarrass Netanyahu was launched by Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) last week, after which Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) and others joined the chorus. Some members of the CBC are attempting to schedule a private meeting with Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer or Netanyahu when the prime minister visits Washington.

Some of the choice quotes from CBC members included:

Cory Fritz, a spokesman for Boehner, replied, “Prime Minister Netanyahu’s upcoming visit isn’t about Speaker Boehner, and it’s not about President Obama. At this critical moment it’s important that the American people hear from Israel about the grave threats posed by Iran and Islamic radicalism.”

Other CBC members who have decided not to attend the Prime Minister’s speech include: Reps. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Keith Ellison (D-MN), Donna Edwards (D-MD), Charles Rangel (NY), Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX). 
and Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC).

CBC member Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) co-wrote a letter to Boehner calling for the speech to be postponed.

Johnson was virulent in his denunciation of Dermer, calling him a “longtime, right-wing political hack,” and adding he would not even meet with either Dermer or Netanyahu. He snapped, “I don’t think I would be willing to come to such a meeting, Not at that time, and under this condition, no.”