Columnist Charles Krauthammer argued that the White House stood by President Obama’s “idiocy” on the attack on a Kosher deli in France because they didn’t want to admit “the president is not infallible, and that he left out an adjective” on Tuesday’s “Special Report” on the Fox News Channel.
“Look, if you’re going to surrender, as the administration did, on this idiocy, at the end, it’s irritating for you to say we’ve always been clear that we intended to say it was anti-Semitic. That’s not being clear. They spent the whole day pretending it wasn’t, which made them look silly. You hear Josh Earnest saying that because they weren’t targeted as individuals, so it wasn’t a hate crime, it wasn’t a group crime, that makes the case that it was a hate crime. The idea was, for terrorism, for an anti-Semitic act, not that you have a grievance against the individual, but you want to attack Hews. Here’s a man who called the TV station in the middle of the hostage incident and said he was out there to kill Jews. The President, Hollande, of France said it was an egregious, anti-Semitic attack. What does it take? And why did they spend a whole day with this ridiculous pretense that it wasn’t? Because otherwise, it would have meant admitting that the president is not infallible, and that he left out an adjective, that he should have said ‘kosher deli.’ That’s all it took” he stated.
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