Democrats Begin to Distance Themselves from Obama

AP Photo/J Pat Carter
AP Photo/J Pat Carter

The recent audio clip of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) speaking at a Jewish Federation breakfast meeting in Miami, Florida, where she correctly called out radical “Islamic fundamentalists” as being the “leaders” of the “global war on terror,” has started the conversation of whether big wig Democrats are starting to part ways with President Obama.

The story caught fire over the weekend, because it showed that even the most influential and important leaders of the Democrat Party (except for President Obama) are not afraid to name radical Islamists as being responsible for the overwhelming majority of the terror attacks around the world.

Wasserman Schultz’s candid take on the “global war on terror” and liberal media bias is refreshing, but the issue that Americans, who have shown some level of praise, seem to have with her regarding this statement is not that she made it privately, but that she won’t repeat it in public, and in front of cameras.

‘DWS’ is right about radical Islamic terrorism, but will she ever stand up publicly and denounce it?

Listen to what ‘DWS’ said about radical Islam and liberal media bias.


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