O’Reilly Backs Off Palin: ‘No Offense Is Intended’

On Wednesday’s “The O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Channel, host Bill O’Reilly indicated he meant no offense to former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) during a previous tease of an upcoming “O’Reilly Factor” segment that may have suggested viewers were in store for a reality show with the upcoming 2016 field, which included possible candidates Palin, real estate mogul Donald Trump and Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ).

“So here’s the deal — in TV land, where I live, you tease upcoming segments with flamboyant descriptions so people will sit through the 18 minutes of commercials and watch it. That’s what we do. Ms. Palin and Donald Trump are very high profile folks, they have both been in reality TV shows. Thus my tease was perfectly in context and harmless. So here’s the ‘Tip of the Day,’ if no offense is intended, then don’t take offense. Your life will be happier.”

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