Now, I have heard it all.

We are accustomed to hearing Democrats blame everything–from the moon rising to the sun setting–on Republicans, but now, former Harry Reid aide Ari Rabin-Havt has made a claim that takes the cake.

During a recent appearance on NewsmaxTV, yours truly and Rabin-Havt, who is the host of The Agenda, discussed Obama’s upcoming tax hike proposals, as well as the President’s refusal to label Islamic terrorism what it is: Islamic terrorism.

I agreed with Rabin-Havt that the President needed to name Islamic radicalism as the root of terror attacks carried out by Islamists, but then he took an unexpected turn by blaming the 1996 Atlanta Olympics bombing on Christianity: “In the case of the Paris attack … there clearly was a religious motivation for the attack, so we shouldn’t be scared of saying it, just like, you know, you shouldn’t be scared of talking about the 1996 Atlanta bombing as a Christian terrorist attack.”

I was shocked by the comment and was almost left speechless. Here is what I said: “To blame the bombing in Atlanta on Christianity, come on. … So he yelled out, ‘God is Great’ or ‘Jesus is Great’ and killed people?”

Go to minute 6 of the video.