Video has been released showing a man armed with a machete kicking in a Pocatella, Idaho, apartment door last year, then getting shot by the apartment resident.

The attacker–54-year-old Twain Thomas–survived being shot and was sentenced to 15 years on January 15.

According to Local News 8, Thomas was “threatening neighbors…[at an] apartment complex” on February 22. He then “broke into the downstairs apartment of James Cvengros and his girlfriend Kaila Gearhart.” Thomas literally kicked his way through the door of the apartment.

Mail Online published a video of Thomas coming through the door with a machete in his hand. Upon entering the apartment Cvengros and his girlfriend screamed then Cvengros shot the suspect.

Cvengros said he was convinced he had to shoot Thomas in order to survive. Thomas’ 15 year sentence is comprised of five years hard time and “10 years intermediate.” He also received a “no contact order” that will stay in place until 2025.

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