Everytown for Gun Safety claims the December 20 execution of NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos was caused by one thing— “lax and inconsistent gun control laws.”
They say the fact that different states have different gun laws led to the murder of the two officers.
According to the New York Daily News, Everytown president John Feinblatt said: “The brutal killing of two NYPD officers this weekend is an unspeakable tragedy. Our country’s lax and inconsistent gun laws are a central part of the problem. A felon can buy a gun in a state that does not require background checks and bring it to New York, a state that does, and destroy lives.”
In other words, the problem used to be that universal background checks did not exist. But now that a few a states have universal background checks, the problem is that every state does not have universal background checks.
What Feinblatt misses is that even in states with such checks—New York, for example—a felon can still acquire a gun on the streets. Or a non-felon with criminal intent—like Elliot Rodger in Santa Barbara, California—can pass background checks, acquire and register their guns, then kill people when they are ready to commit their crime.
Gun control does not reduce the vulnerability of the vulnerable—it increases it.
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