The modern college campus is chock full of political correctness that fears nothing more than free speech and dissenting ideas, as 2014 proved once again. Here are 11 of the worst offenders:

    1. UCSB Feminist Studies Professor Attacks Pro-Life Student

In March, a feminist studies professor at University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) assaulted a 16 year-old pro-life activist who was displaying literature on campus. The professor, Mireille Miller-Young, called the pro-life group members “terrorists” after she stole their poster displaying abortion images and then proceeded to assault one of the student activists. 

    2. VT YAF Loses Funding Because of their Conservative Values

In the wake of a standing-room-only event with conservative activist Bay Buchanan on the topic of immigration, the VT YAF Chapter was informed that they wouldn’t be receiving funding for the next two semesters. Apparently, the discussion on immigration with the former Treasurer of the United States, Bay Buchanan, irked some liberal administrators at Virginia Tech. The Student Budget Board unanimously voted to defund the club because the event “violated the principles of community.”

    3. University of Michigan Requires “Race & Ethnicity” Course in Order to Graduate

In 2014 it was discovered that in order to graduate from the University of Michigan, a student must first take a course to learn how racist and intolerant the United States is toward minorities and different ethnicities. The page on the website that describes the requirement states: “all courses satisfying the requirement must provide discussion concerning: the meaning of race, ethnicity, and racism; racial and ethnic intolerance and resulting inequality as it occurs in the United States or elsewhere; and comparisons of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, social class, or gender.”

    4. Penn State YAF Asked to Stop Handing out Constitutions on Constitution Day

Penn State Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) activists were tabling for their organization in celebration of Constitution Day–in a designated free speech zone. After an hour or so of tabling, the YAF activists were approached by campus security personnel who told them to remove their table. The reasoning was that the students couldn’t pass out flyers–even if in a “free speech” zone.

    5. Blood Bucket Challenge: Anti-Semitism on Ohio University Campus

In September, the Ohio University student senate president took it upon herself to change up the ice-bucket challenge. Instead, she issued a “blood bucket” challenge calling upon Ohio University to divest from Israel. She posted a video of herself wearing a bright pink shirt with the words “divest from Israel” and poured a “blood-like” substance over her head. She said the video was meant to raise awareness of the Palestinians being killed by Israel.

    6. University Responses to Ferguson Protests

As a result of the Ferguson decision, we have seen numerous campuses involve themselves in protests and demonstrations. For example, Penn State held two days of “die-ins” with the President of the University posing with students with his hands up. At Smith College, the college president was harshly criticized for stating that “all lives matter.” Then, Harvard Law, Columbia Law, and Georgetown Law students decided to petition for their final exams to be delayed because they were too busy protesting the decision to have time to study.

    7. George Washington University Pro-Life Display Vandalized

In April, the George Washington University YAF Chapter was the victim of liberal intolerance. The YAF Chapter places crosses into the grass on the mid-campus quad in memory of the lives lost due to abortion. The students reserved space for the day and had proper permission from the university. Early in the morning, someone vandalized their sign that read, “In memory of the lives lost each year by abortion” to make it read, “In memory of the lives saved each year by abortion.” By noon, the signs and crosses had been strewn into various trashcans.

    8. Condom Olympics at University of Virginia

This March, the University of Virginia hosted its first annual “Condom Olympics,” a “festival” of “free food, free games, free prizes, free condoms, free lube, and free online coupons” that guaranteed “information about proper condom use, safe and effective forms of birth control, STI testing, screening, and prevention, sex facts and trivia.”

    9. Scripps College Revokes George Will’s Speaking Invitation

Scripps College created a speaker series program designed to promote conservative opinion on campus–but Pulitzer-prize winning columnist George Will was uninvited from his speaking engagement solely because of his conservative values. Ironic, huh?

    10. Denver Students Protest a “Conservative” Curriculum

In September, hundreds of high school students in the Denver area stormed out of their classrooms in protest of a proposed curriculum change from the school board that would teach history in a way that promotes citizenship and patriotism. Students were under the belief that somehow American history would be “censored” if this new curriculum were taught. 

    11. Rutgers Faculty Protest University’s Invitation to Condoleezza Rice

The Rutgers Board of Governors unanimously invited Conodleezza Rice to be the 2014 commencement speaker. Well, critics at Rutgers believe that Dr. Rice being a conservative and former member of the George W. Bush administration effectively disqualified her from addressing the commencement ceremony. According to the faculty council resolution, which passed in opposition to Dr. Rice’s invitation, “A Commencement speaker… should embody moral authority and exemplary citizenship.” Apparently, Dr. Rice failed on both of these accounts and was said to bring “no positive merit.”

Ashley Pratte is the spokeswoman for Young America’s Foundation. Follow her on twitter @ashpratte.