The NAACP–disappointed Officer Darren Wilson was not indicted for the death of Michael Brown despite the evidence exonerating him–has organized and initiated a seven-day, 120-mile march called the “Journey for Justice” from Ferguson, Missouri to the state capital, Jefferson City. 

Roughly 150 protesters started their trek from the area where Brown was shot, near the Canfield Green Apartments; 100 were expected to make the full march, according to NAACP staff member Jamiah Adams.

The NAACP expects others to join the march along the way and swell the number of marchers to 1,000. Adams will march, as well as NAACP President Cornell William Brooks. To make matters easier for the marchers, said Adams, buses will be provided to shuttle them between their residences and the march.

One marcher, Sandra Henry, asserted that they had global aspirations, saying, “This isn’t just about St. Louis. We are speaking for other cities, other countries too.”

The NAACP states on its website: 

The NAACP mourns the shocking loss of Michael Brown. Our hearts are with his family, and all who were touched by his death. We need answers on his shooting – answers the Ferguson and St. Louis County Police Departments seem disinterested in providing. But our efforts will continue unabated. We will seek and ultimately find the truth about Michael Brown’s killing.