Just Vote

Just Vote

Midterm Election Day 2014 is upon us, and the importance of turning out the vote across the country cannot be overstated. Americans are finally waking up from the fantasy Obama and his liberal friends have tried to pass off as reality, once upon a time – and they do not like what they’ve been left with. 

The only way to begin solving the daunting issues facing the country is to change the individuals in charge. America needs to get back on the right track.

The shift in favor of conservative candidates could not have come at a better time, and it is my fervent hope that voters take to the polls in a few days to ensure it is the deserving candidates that are put in charge to govern. Democrats have had nowhere to hide this election cycle, as they have no positive agenda to run on, and they have been severely tarnished by an out-of-touch president who is quickly becoming the lamest of lame ducks.

We have men and women who fight day in and day out to protect our freedoms and our right to vote. It is our duty as American citizens to see that their bravery does not go unnoticed and make our voices heard by electing the most deserving local, state, and federal officials to office. The current state of our country may be grave, but the beautiful thing about elections is they give us a chance for a fresh start.

Although we still have two more years of President Obama in office ahead of us, with new powers in Congress and at the state level, we may just be able to get down to business and get things done. Congress’ approval rating is at its lowest point in history and it is no secret that the time has come for new faces and fresh ideas to occupy the halls of the House and Senate.

Polling is showing Blue states turning Red and Democrat incumbents having to try and defend President Obama’s failed agenda. I am hopeful that change is coming to Washington and brighter days are on the horizon, but this can only become reality if you get out and vote. Just remember that your one single vote can, and quite possibly will, make all the difference this Tuesday.


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