George H.W. Bush Objects To Image In Nunn Ad

George H.W. Bush Objects To Image In Nunn Ad

Former President George H.W. Bush is not pleased about his image being used in a political ad that Georgia Senate Democratic nominee Michelle Nunn is broadcasting around the state.

In an attempt to counter the claim that she will not be a rubber stamp for President Barack Obama’s agenda, the Nunn campaign showed images of Bush and the three other past presidents in her campaign ad, as she says in a voice over, “Throughout my career, I’ve been able to work with Republicans and Democrats.”

However, Bush endorsed Nunn’s GOP opponent David Perdue, and Bush’s spokesman Jim McGrath told The Atlanta Journal Constitution Bush did not want her campaign to use his photo.:

“Michelle and her team have been clearly, repeatedly and consistently told that President Bush did not want them to use his photo as part of this campaign. Apparently, the Nunn team feels they can repeatedly disregard the former president’s wishes, which is very disappointing because it’s so disrespectful.”

Nunn’s attack ads against Perdue have focused on the Georgia businessman’s remarks about outsourcing. Nunn has  slammed Perdue for statements he made in a  2005 deposition in which he said he spent “most of his career” outsourcing.

The Perdue camp hit back at one of the ads featuring Roy Richards Jr., chairman of the board of power cable manufacturer Southwire. 

Richards, a Nunn supporter, says in the ad:

My dad founded Southwire in Carrollton more than 60 years ago, and today it’s the leading manufacturer of power cable in North America. When I hear David Perdue say he’s proud to have outsourced jobs to other parts of the world, I have to wonder. Every time we invest in Georgia workers, they can compete with anyone in the world, so I don’t know how you can be proud to have sent American jobs overseas.”

The AJC  notes, though, that Southwire also sent jobs overseas.  Since 2000, groups of Southwire staffers applied for and received Trade Adjustment Assistance six different times from the U.S. government, which is essentially compensation for losing their jobs to overseas competitors.

In fact, a  2011 application for adjustment assistance for 28 Southwire workers in Long Beach, California, states “production has been shifted to Mexico.”

Southwire  has also expanded its overseas operations to countries that include China, India and Honduras.


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