Forensic lab results released by the St. Louis, Missouri Police Department show 18-year-old Vonderrit Myers, who was shot and killed by a St. Louis police officer in a Shaw neighborhood on October 8, had gunshot residue on his hands.

While working for a security firm, the officer was on patrol that night when he drove past three young males, say police. One of the men began running away from the officer as he made a u-turn in his car and eventually began chasing them on foot.

According to Police, as Myers ran up the hill, he fired off three rounds at the 32 year old off duty officer before his 9mm gun jammed.  A 9mm handgun, reported stolen on September 26, was found at the scene, KSDK reported.

The gunshot residue test was sent to the Missouri State Highway Patrol because the city police crime lab does not routinely handle that type of criminal analysis.

“The presence of gunshot residue on a person’s hands could mean the individual discharged a firearm, was near a firearm when it was discharged, or touched an object with  gunshot residue on it. Individuals shot at close range can have gunshot residue deposited onto their hands,” the MSHP lab test stated.

The lab also confirmed that residue was found on the inner waistband of his jeans and on his t-shirt in the upper chest area.

Myers case has been woven into the shooting of 18 year old Mike Br own of Ferguson, at the hands of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. Brown, however, was unarmed, but authorities claim the teenager charged at Wilson in an attempt to seize his gun. Advocates of Brown believe Brown put his hands in the air and never assaulted the officer.