Dunkin' Donuts CEO: Amnesty for Illegals Will 'Stimulate the Economy'

Dunkin' Donuts CEO: Amnesty for Illegals Will 'Stimulate the Economy'

On Monday, Dunkin’ Brands CEO Nigel Travis said all of the country’s illegal immigrants should be legalized. 

In an interview on Fox Business, Travis said that comprehensive amnesty legislation “would bring about 11 million more people into the economy.” He claimed it “would be a stimulus” because “there’s a lot of people who want to work but can’t work legally.”

Travis also stated that it was “totally appropriate” that there is “a lot of pressure” to make sure “people who work are legal.”

“So let’s legalize those people,” he concluded. “And I think it will stimulate the economy because they’ll have the opportunity to earn great wages.”

The Congressional Budget Office, however, determined that comprehensive amnesty legislation would lower the wages of American workers by increasing the labor supply at a time when a record number of Americans are outside of the workforce. Critics of Obama’s potential executive amnesty, which may grant work permits to millions of illegal immigrants, have made the same argument. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has said Obama’s executive amnesty would enable illegal workers to “take precious jobs”–like those at Dunkin’ Donuts–“directly from struggling Americans in every occupation in America.”


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