Poll: Ohio Voters Oppose Common Core Standards By Wide Margin

Poll: Ohio Voters Oppose Common Core Standards By Wide Margin

A new Columbus Dispatch poll has found that Ohio voters oppose the Common Core standards, 43-26 percent, while 31 percent don’t know their opinion on the controversial education initiative.

According to the Dispatch, the margin of sampling error for the mail poll of 1,185 registered Ohio voters, is +/- 2.7 percent. Numerous respondents in the poll reflected fears of getting involved with Common Core, says the publication.

An Ohio House committee is considering whether to eliminate the Common Core standards, but another recent report in the Dispatch indicated that Republican Gov. John Kasich does not expect a repeal bill to come to his desk.

“I don’t know that there’s any effort to repeal Common Core,” he said. “There may be an effort to talk about it.”

As Breitbart News reported last month, Kasich has said he supports the Common Core standards. After hearings regarding the standards were held by state lawmakers, the Governor said he is willing to look at a Republican bill concerning Common Core, but would not say whether he would sign such a piece of legislation.

“I just want to have high standards, and I want to make sure we maintain local control so local school boards and local parents are the ones that design the curriculum to meet the standards,” Kasich said. “We need high standards. We don’t need interference from Columbus or Washington to get this done. It should be done locally.”

Many Republican governors, however, are under the impression that the Common Core standards are “high” standards, even though no independent studies exist that support the talking points of Common Core proponents that the standards are “rigorous.”

Ironically, Ohio is the home state of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, one of the principle proponents of the Common Core standards.


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