Voters in battleground states overwhelmingly disapprove of how President Barack Obama is handling immigration, which explains why Obama delayed his executive amnesty until after the midterms.
A poll Politico commissioned found that 64 percent of voters in states that have contested congressional races disapprove of Obama on immigration while only 35 percent approve. Voters also trusted Republicans (34 percent) more than Democrats (31 percent) on the issue as even national and establishment Republican groups have made Obama’s executive amnesty a campaign issue in competitive Senate races.
Breitbart Texas’ leaked photos in June of illegal immigrant juveniles being warehoused in detention centers forced the mainstream press to cover the issue. Since then, opposition to illegal immigration has increased while Obama’s disapproval ratings have hit all-time highs.
The poll, conducted by GfK, surveyed “917 likely voters in competitive House and Senate races from Aug. 29 to Sept. 7, and it has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.7 percent.”
According to the poll, “likely voters were surveyed in the following states with competitive Senate elections”: Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Oregon, South Dakota, Virginia and West Virginia.
In addition, “likely voters were surveyed in the following competitive House districts:”
Arizona-01, Arizona-02, Arizona-09, Arkansas-02, Arkansas-04, California-07, California-10, California-21, California-26, California-31, California-36, California-52, Colorado-06, Connecticut-05, Florida-02, Florida-18, Florida-26, Georgia-12, Illinois-10, Illinois-11, Illinois-12, Illinois-13, Illinois-17, Indiana-02, Iowa-01, Iowa-02, Iowa-03, Iowa-04, Maine-02, Massachusetts-06, Michigan-01, Michigan-07, Michigan-08, Minnesota-02, Minnesota-07, Minnesota-08, Montana-AL, Nebraska-02, Nevada-03, Nevada-04, New Hampshire-01, New Hampshire-02, New Jersey-02, New Jersey-03, New Mexico-02, New York-01, New York-11, New York-18, New York-19, New York-21, New York-23, New York-24, Ohio-06, Ohio-14, Pennsylvania-06, Pennsylvania-08, Texas-23, Virginia-02, Virginia-10, West Virginia-02, West Virginia-03 and Wisconsin-06.