Protesters gathered in front of the Buzz Westhall Justice Center on Wednesday demanding Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson be indicted by a Grand Jury and arrested.
One pro-Darren Wilson protester with a sign appeared before the other activists and caused a stir before pro-Brown protesters approached her en masse. Police officers escorted her peacefully from the scene, apparently due to public safety concerns.
St. Louis Prosecutor Robert P. McCulloch told reporters on KTRS radio that it could take the grand jury until well into October to decide as to whether or not to indict Wilson.
“Our target date is hopefully by the middle of October,” McCulloch said, adding that he feels no pressure by activists and protesters to rush the procedure.
“I certainly understand the concern, but we won’t rush it through,” McCulloch said. “In the long run, people, at least a majority of people, will appreciate the thoroughness.”
He explained, “Some people say we are rushing to judgment and others say we are dragging it out. We will do this as expeditiously as possible, but certainly not in any haphazard manner.”