National Democrats are dropping $9.1 million into North Carolina to protect incumbent Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC) from GOP challenger and State House Speaker Thom Tillis, Roll Call reports.

“House speaker Thom Tillis drew a bull’s-eye on public schools, cutting nearly $500 million,” the narrator stated in the first ad the Democrats ran in the state as part of that investment. “Tillis sliced and diced education, creating chaos in our classrooms and hurting middle class families while giving tax breaks to yacht and jet owners–Tillis, cutting schools, giving breaks to the wealthy.”

The brutal attack ad–the first of many to be expected as part of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee’s (DSCC) $9.1 million investment–starts airing Wednesday. 

National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) spokesman Brad Dayspring said this line of attack from the Democrats is a “firewall” meant to protect Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s majority, which is in jeopardy as the GOP sets its sights on seats around the country.

“We’ve said for the past year that Kay Hagan is a weak candidate with little to run on, so the only path for Democrats in North Carolina is to run the nastiest, ugliest, most dishonest campaign in the state’s history,” Dayspring told Breitbart News. “This is a part of that, but more than anything, it is emblematic of the fact that Thom Tillis is ahead in this race. The DSCC is fully aware that if Kay Hagan loses North Carolina, their majority is gone. Their firewall is in North Carolina, Iowa, Colorado, and Michigan.”

The Senate Democratic majority is in jeopardy in November, as Republicans look ahead to pickups in red states around the country. With Democratic Sen. John Walsh (D-MT) deciding not to run for re-election after being hit with a plagiarism scandal, the GOP looks ready to pick up that seat easily and needs just five more to unseat Reid as majority leader. With solid GOP candidates in Michigan, Iowa, and New Hampshire, and a national mood against President Obama and the Democrats heading into the midterm general election season, it looks like a GOP Senate takeover is getting closer and closer.

“Democrats just hit the panic button in North Carolina,” Dayspring added.