Nearly 57,000 illegal immigrant children have unlawfully entered the country since October of last year. The federal government believes at least 150,000 more will arrive in the next fiscal year.
Radio host Hugh Hewitt wants them all to stay.
“Right now the country ought to act to end the humanitarian crisis of tens of thousands of what are, in effect, orphans and strangers in our land,” he wrote in a Politico op-ed. “The very young among them should find ‘forever families’ right here, right now.”
According to Hewitt, the illegal immigration children “should become Americans” as soon as possible.
Hewitt said “if a child under 13 can identify a parent, the child should be re-united with the parent immediately” while the parent waits to get amnesty from future immigration legislation. If “children under 13 cannot identify a parent, they ought to be relocated to a new, centralized, humane federal facility exclusively for young unaccompanied minors,” Hewitt said, suggesting that in addition to military bases, Congress should also “step forward and authorize the churches of America to do what they are built to do: Shelter the orphan.”
Hewitt recommends that the federal government “authorize adoption by any couple who were (1) certified by a church of (2) at least 250 members and at least five years of existence as a couple of character and standing within the congregation and (3) were under the age of 60, (4) had at least one member of the couple with a full time job of at least five year’s duration and (5) had raised or were presently raising at least one child who had achieved any normal set of measurements.”
If that happens, he argues that “the crisis over the effectively orphaned children would be over within months” because “Americans from all over the country would step up to care for these children, to give them new ‘forever families.'”
Hewitt implies this would be a type of draft lottery system for children — the lucky ones “will be in Northeast Ohio where they can become LeBron fans instantly” and the “less lucky ones will be sent north to Minnesota where the sun doesn’t shine but the Lutherans are welcoming and the State Fair fabulous.”
National polls, though, found that a majority of Americans do not want the illegal immigrant children in their communities and feel they should be deported as quickly as possible. A Gallup poll found that illegal immigration is now the “top priority’ facing Americans.
For those who are 17 and 18, Hewitt suggests they be offered a choice: “English school followed by the military for four years or a ticket home.”
Hewitt repeatedly emphasized that a border fence should be constructed to ultimately deal with the issue, “but neither it nor anything else ought to stop us from caring now for the children in these federal warehouses.”
Hewitt’s proposal may entice even more illegal immigrants to enter the country. The murder rate in Central American countries has been declining since 2012, which was when President Barack Obama unilaterally enacted the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. But the number of illegal immigrant children flooding across the border has drastically increased.
As the Christian Science Monitor noted, “during the decade preceding fiscal year 2012, the federal government agency tasked with caring for unaccompanied minors who cross the border illegally dealt with an average of 7,000 to 8,000 cases a year.” In fiscal year 2011, there were 6,560. But in the year after Obama’s temporary amnesty program “the number jumped to 13,625.”
As Breitbart News has reported, “though White House officials have gone on a public relations campaign to tell Central Americans that they will not receive amnesty, many illegal immigrants have said they traveled to America believing the Obama administration would never deport them if they made it across the U.S.-Mexico border.” And coyotes, gangsters, and smugglers are preying on mothers and children with such misinformation, luring them to embark on the harrowing journey to America where rape, torture, and even death often await.
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