Exclusive: Laura Ingraham to Campaign for Joe Carr

Exclusive: Laura Ingraham to Campaign for Joe Carr

Breitbart News has learned that conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham will campaign for Joe Carr, who is challenging Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) in an August primary, at a “Restore America” rally on July 22 in Nashville. 

After she helped propel Dave Brat to a shocking upset over House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) last month, Ingraham has been focused on toppling Alexander, whom she has referred to as a stale establishment Republican.  

Ingraham endorsed Carr on Monday, and she is hoping to give Carr the type of momentum she gave to Brat, who shockingly ousted Cantor and effectively derailed amnesty legislation in this Congress. Ingraham endorsed Brat, hammered Cantor for his support of amnesty, and campaigned for Brat during the last week of the campaign, electrifying nearly 700 people who showed up in the middle of the week. Post-election polling found that Tea Party and anti-amnesty voters ousted Cantor.

Ingraham has relentlessly supported American workers against amnesty legislation and drastic increases in guest-worker visas that would lower wages of Americans of all backgrounds, and she told Breitbart News that “it is critical that we support quality conservative, pro-American worker, anti-amnesty candidates across America.”

“The odds and the big money forces may be stacked against us, but Americans of good conscience have never backed down from a fight for our nations future,” she said.

As Breitbart News has reported, Carr has closed the gap in the polls — he is now within seven points in a recent poll conducted by a pro-Carr group — after he started relentlessly calling out Alexander for voting for the Senate’s amnesty bill last year even though law enforcement officials warned Alexander that the bill would exacerbate the border crisis.

The BEAT LAMAR project will host the event at the Millennium Maxwell Hotel at 7 pm, and Ingraham, who has said that pro-amnesty Republicans like Alexander are “not off the hook” on the current border crisis that has seen at least 57,000 illegal immigrant children entering the country since October of last year, said electing Carr “will be a major victory in this new movement to restore America.”

She said that “Tennessee is one of the most beautiful states in America, and deserves a Senator who would rather spend his time with Tennesseans at Cracker Barrel than with lobbyists at elite Washington eateries.”

“With tens of millions in our country still out of work and the border crisis worsening, citizens across America are waking up to the shocking failures of the Washington establishment that Lamar Alexander calls home,” she said before quipping, “Lamar has been running for office since the year Nixon resigned the presidency. Call me crazy, but I think that’s quite enough.”

Ingraham enthusiastically said that she was “all in for Joe Carr” on her Monday radio show

“I think… he’s no nonsense, a citizen legislator he’ll be and he’ll be someone who will actually listen to the people,” she said. “Politicians at some point do have to listen to the concerns of the people, not just the concerns of one or two, big, fat, interest groups like either LaRaza or the Chamber of Commerce. The people still count, don’t they Lamar?”

Photo: Getty


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