House Democrat Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has announced that she will travel to the Texas border to visit with illegal immigrant children detained by immigration officials.
“The humanitarian crisis unfolding across our nation’s southern border demands Congress come together and find thoughtful, compassionate and bipartisan solutions,” Pelosi said in a statement to the press. “We must ensure our laws are fully enforced, so that due process is provided to unaccompanied children and the safety and well-being of unaccompanied children is protected. We must also work to address the root causes of the problem.”
Pelosi will review the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants swamping our southern borders, drawn here by loose immigration policies and an abundant welfare state. They have been goaded by advertising campaigns in South and Central America, which tell people that the U.S. is offering amnesty to anyone who comes to the country.
Democrats are using this crisis to break down immigration laws. “The thousands of unaccompanied children crossing our borders to escape violence deserve to be treated humanely and with dignity,” Pelosi recently posted on her congressional website.
With her rhetoric, Pelosi implies that immigration laws and opponents to looser policies take away the “dignity” of those breaking our immigration laws.
“This dignity is not bestowed by governments or by laws or based upon their wealth or where they happen to be born. It inheres within the human being,” she wrote.
Politico reported that Pelosi will be joined by Democrats Filemon Vela of Texas, Rubén E. Hinojosa of Texas, and Steven Horsford of Nevada. “Hinojosa is the chairman of the Chairman, Congressional Hispanic Caucus and Vela sits on the House Homeland Security Committee.”
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