Rep. Steve King: GOP Leadership 'Disrespects' Conservatives

Rep. Steve King: GOP Leadership 'Disrespects' Conservatives

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) told The New York Meeting on Monday that the GOP establishment’s deliberate war on conservatives and the Tea Party has been “debilitating to our conservative cause.”

King said that after the class of 2010–“God’s gift to America,” as he has called it–was elected during the Tea Party wave that gave the GOP back the House, there was a calculated effort on the part of Republican leadership to “fracture the cohesiveness” of the freshman class. 

The freshman class, he added, “came as a solid coalition of constitutional conservatives,” and he noted that the “disrespect and the contempt is palpable” for these constitutional conservatives four years later. 

He stated that contempt surfaces at least once or twice a week, and sometimes it even comes from House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH).

The GOP leadership has often targeted King because of his staunch opposition to amnesty legislation. 

Mallory Factor and O’Brien Murray host The New York Meeting, which is held monthly. Fox’s David Asman, Forbes’ Carrie Sheffield, and the Daily Mail‘s David Martosko made up Monday’s panel.


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