On March 6th, Breitbart News sat down with Fox News’s Judge Jeanine Pirro to discuss the possibility and implications of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack on the United States. Judge Pirro has studied the subject extensively. 

Breitbart News asked: “Could you explain what an EMP is and how such a thing can happen?”

Judge Pirro answered:

An EMP is an Electromagnetic Pulse that could literally shut down power by damaging or destroying entire portions of our power grid. It can occur in several ways. The first of those would be a solar flare which provides a natural disruption to our power structure. A second way would be a nuclear device shot into the atmosphere over middle America that could take out the whole grid. And a problem here, which makes this a real threat, is that we don’t have a missile defense system over the southern portion of the United States like we have over the north: there is a vulnerability here that our enemies know about

So you have the natural, you have the nuclear, and then there are the smaller devices called radio frequency weapons that can be used to cause an EMP as well.

Judge Pirro to explained the ramifications of an EMP attack:

The threat that America faces from an EMP attack on our power grid is enormous. If you think that 9/11 was catastrophic–and I think it was–this would be a million times worse.

The problem with the electric power grid in the United States is that it is a balkanized system of electricity made of up of local power companies who are not regulated to the extent that they could be, and which are connected to a bigger national grid. So we are vulnerable because damage in one place could shut down huge portions of the system. 

Remember 2003? When a branch allegedly fell on a wire in Ohio and as result a lot of the eastern seaboard lost electricity for 48 hours.  If that is what a limb can do, we are nowhere near protected against an EMP. 

Victims of Katrina and Sandy lost access to everything with an on/off switch: this included heat, internet, refrigerators, hot water heaters, and dialysis machines, to provide but a few examples. Basically, we lose access to everything  that allows us to lead the life we lead in this country.

I’m not talking about your hair dryer or electric razor–although they would be gone too–I’m talking about the necessities of life. These are things an EMP would take away: the ramifications are devastating.

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