Sarah Palin has had enough of the Democrats’ phony “war on women” rhetoric, and she called out liberals in a thundering speech at CPAC on Saturday for treating women voters like “cheap dates” that they can snooker with cheap slogans.
“Hey Democrats, it’s your leaders who are demeaning to women,” Palin said. “Liberals seem to think the women of America are cheap dates. Feed ’em a few lines about that free birth control, throw in some scary quotes about the war on women, and they will be yours.”
She said Democrats don’t want to “bother their pretty little heads with tax policy, or debilitating debt, or energy independence.”
“Imagine if they treated the men like that” Palin asked. “We know better than to fall for that victimization line from the president.”
Palin said, though, if attendees had sisters or friends who are “falling for this hooey, you gotta set them straight.”
She then blasted Democrats for putting women in a box and defining “you still by your body parts” and trying to convince girls that “they need these guys to grow government to take care of them.”
“Don’t let them use you, unless you choose to be their political pawn or piece of accessory on their arm,” Palin said. “Honey, that’s not liberation, that’s subjugation. And this sisterhood fights against that. We fight the mastery of big government they would want over us.”
She then said that liberals cannot say, “I am woman, hear me roar,” because while “donkeys just bray… only Mama Grizzlies can say, ‘hear me roar.”
Those like Kate Obenshain, the former head of the Republican Party of Virginia who could probably be a better candidate or spokesperson than most people the GOP throws out, have urged Republicans to not let the Democrats’ “war on women” rhetoric go unanswered and go on offense with their message to women voters.
And that is exactly what Palin, the North Star of the women-powered Tea Party movement, did.
Palin asked the women in the audience to let the women of America know the party’s values of independence, work ethic, family, faith and freedom. She said conservative women are the heirs of “Thatcher, Stanton, and Anthony,” and they should “stop apologizing and evangelizing.”
She asked women to start “infiltrating” and “influencing pop culture.”
“If the boys are not up to the challenge, conservative women are happy to lead the charge,” Palin said before also mentioning that, “We’re the party with the plank that protects even our littlest sisters in the womb.”
Polls have found that young voters are increasingly pro-life, and Palin has a way of speaking to them in a language that can resonate far beyond the stale talking points produced by the permanent political class in the GOP establishment.
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