On Tuesday, the co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots said one of President Barack Obama’s most senior advisers is “unqualified to hold any position of authority” after his “despicable” remarks comparing Republicans to the Jonestown suicide cult.
In an interview that Politico published on Monday evening, John Podesta, the Andrew Breitbart nemesis whom Obama named as a senior White House adviser last week, said the White House was up against “a cult worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses of Congress.” Podesta was referring to Republicans who control the House of Representatives.
“Any man who is so historically ignorant as to compare millions of Americans who cherish freedom with the macabre and mass suicide at Jonestown is unqualified to hold any position of authority,” Martin said. “We recommend Mr. Podesta read a book on basic American history.”
Podesta apologized for invoking one of the most horrific mass killings in history to slam Republicans. He reportedly made those comments in the fall before Obama recruited him to the White House.
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