CBS This Morning’s Charlie Rose sets up the segment with the words that should put a chill down the spine of every American, “CBS News is learning that another promise by the government isn’t holding up. Some who get their insurance through work are losing their coverage.”

Eight Americans already feeling the sting of that broken promise work for Nancy Clark, a small business owner in New Hampshire who was featured in a White House online ad promoting ObamaCare. “The healthcare law is about me. It’s NancyCare,” Clark gushes.

The entire premise of Clark’s video ad is how ObamaCare will allow her to continue to offer health insurance for her employees and maybe even make it easier to hire new ones. Her expectation last years was that ObamaCare would make the employee-health insurance more affordable for company:

Reality intruded last month when her insurance company boosted premiums by 39%, or $30,000 a year. Unable to afford that, Clark canceled the policy and threw her employees into the ObamaCare exchanges. The only problem is that the exchanges don’t work.

Great reporting from CBS News and Sharyl Attkisson. Be sure to watch the entire segment. This is the first time I have seen the mainstream media report on the fact that ObamaCare is about to massacre the employer-based insurance market, and that the White House knowingly lied when they said it would not:


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