The owners of CJ’s Hot Dogs in McDonough, Georgia were fined for displaying the American flag and other banners honoring the military and public servants. Patriots Darren Miller and Dean Paterson, endeavoring to salute firefighters, police officers, and members of the military, choose to decorate their restaurant with symbols that honor their vocations and their sacrifices.

Miller told Fox News: “There are just not a lot of places out there honoring our men and women that serve… I’m just floored… I’m tired of being pushed around for supporting our local men and women and I’m not going to be pushed around anymore.” Miller added, “I just don’t think I should have to pay money to fly the American flag.”

Under the city ordinance, there is a restriction on signs for business establishments. Frederick Gardiner, a city administrator, indicated that the law states that flags are classified as signs. Fortunately, Fox News’ investigation into the matter seemed to have helped Miller and Patterson resist authorities. Gardiner and city officials are now backpedalling saying the city codes need to be revised and they will move to void the citation.

Fortunately, the incident doesn’t seem to be hurting business for Miller and Patterson. “The support has been great. We’re having people drive from hours away to come support our restaurant,” Miller said.