Obama Apologized. When Will Senate Dems?

Obama Apologized. When Will Senate Dems?

Last week, President Obama was forced to apologize for misleading Americans with his oft-repeated claim that, “if you like your plan, you can keep it. Period.” Obama, however, wasn’t the only politician reassuring voters with the claim. Most of the Senate Democrats also said people could keep their insurance. When will they apologize?

On Tuesday, the website for Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC) was still claiming that Americans who like their insurance plans can keep them. To date, 160,000 residents of North Carolina have had their policies cancelled. Because of the continuing problems with the ObamaCare website, they may be unable to purchase new policies ahead of the deadline. 

Hagan is not an isolated case. During the debate over ObamaCare, Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) released a video saying that he wouldn’t support any health care reform that resulted in people losing their existing coverage. He, like every other Democrat Senate, however, provided the deciding vote to do that very thing. 

These Senators, and their colleagues, are equally culpable in promoting Obama’s false claim. They repeated the falsehood on the campaign trail and in meetings with constituents. They should apologize for misleading the public. 


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