Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) told Breitbart News on Tuesday that he is appreciative that Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has changed course with regard to the Senate’s “Gang of Eight” immigration bill.
“I greatly appreciate Sen. Rubio’s support for a step-by-step approach,” Lee said in an email. “He recognizes that Democrats and Republicans can find consensus on a number of solutions and that we should focus our energy on the areas where there is agreement.”
“It is clear that reforming immigration in a step-by-step fashion gives us the best chance at fixing the system and ensuring progress is made on this critical issue,” Lee stated.
Rubio has come under fire from the mainstream media and the pro-amnesty community for his change of heart on immigration reform. Both the media and special interest organizations from the left lobbying for amnesty had propped Rubio up when he was selling the Senate’s Gang of Eight immigration bill to the public but have quickly turned on him now.
Jenny Beth Martin, the national coordinator of Tea Party Patriots, has also said she has Rubio’s back, assuming he sticks to the right policy prescriptions this time around. “Tea Party Patriots are glad to see Sen. Rubio has finally listened to his constituents and understands the 1,200 page comprehensive immigration bill the Senate passed is not the right path for our country,” Martin said in a statement to Breitbart News.
“We hope those elected representatives in the House pushing for immigration overhaul understand Rubio’s arguments and will prevent any steps that lead to conference committee with the Senate bill,” she added.
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