Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the filmmaker falsely blamed by for 2012’s terrorist attack in Benghazi, tells Breitbart News he will be released from prison Monday and will finish his sentence at a half-way house facility.
Nakoula is not going back to his original home, as he has privacy and safety concerns.
“I’m still okay. I’m better, but I’m worried, because I’m afraid,” says Nakoula, an Egyptian-born Coptic Christian from Southern California. “Anything can happen–not from Muslim people. I’m not afraid of them, but from something else. I just don’t want to go back to jail again.”
Nakoula, who will immediately begin his probation, says he looks forward to seeing his children again and has aspirations to visit Washington, D.C. In the meantime, he plans to look for a job and apparently find stability in his life.
While serving his sentence, he wrote a book titled Innocence; it is currently available on Amazon.