In an article titled “Obamacare D-Day Becomes a Soft Launch,” Politico reporter Jennifer Haberkorn says the Obama Administration is busy “tamping down any expectations of a sign-up stampede” 16 days before the government’s “switch is flipped on the new state exchanges.”
The Obama Administration’s myriad of blown implementation deadlines, technical problems, fraudster concerns, and security breaches have Democrats eager to lower expectations. Indeed, just last week, an Obamacare worker accidentally sent out an email containing 2,400 Social Security numbers.
White House communications adviser Tara McGuinness says October 1 is merely “the first day of a six-month public education effort.” And National Academy for State Health Policy executive director Alan Weil says “no one gets hurt” if Obamacare glitches arise on October 1 because “no one actually gets coverage until January 1. No one’s life changes on October 1.”
Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS) says while the Obama Administration’s desire to lower expectations may make sense politically, he still sees potential danger on the horizon. “Part of me believes this is Thelma and Louise about 10 miles from the Grand Canyon.”
Still, Democrats continue to attempt to move the goal posts on Obamacare’s implementation, reports Haberkorn.
“Democratic supporters of the law say that 2014 enrollment shouldn’t be measured until open enrollment ends in late March. In fact, they say, it may take two or three years to really evaluate such a dramatic new program,” reports Politico.
In an effort to avoid a federal data hub crash, officials in charge of Nevada’s Obamacare exchanges say they plan to advertise their state’s enrollment in waves.
“We want to avoid the possibility of a federal data hub crash or massive use on the federal hub so we’re turning the message over to come and enroll in Nevada health link” after October 1, said communications officer C.J. Bawden.
A new CNN poll finds that 57% of Americans oppose “most” or “all” of Obamacare.
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