Hillary Clinton Botches Name of Civil Rights Icon Medgar Evers

Hillary Clinton Botches Name of Civil Rights Icon Medgar Evers

On Monday, Hillary Clinton botched the name of civil and voting rights icon Medgar Evers while addressing a group of lawyers in San Francisco in a speech about voting rights.

In a speech that denounced Voter ID efforts, Clinton referred to Medgar Evers as “Medger Evans” while discussing how one of her mentors defused a volatile situation in Mississippi after Evers, who courageously organized voter registration efforts in the South, was assassinated. 

After praising her mentor, John Doar, who was a civil rights attorney in John F. Kennedy’s administration, Clinton said this, according to a Weekly Standard transcript:

“In 1963, in Jackson, Mississippi, John stepped between angry protesters and armed police to prevent a potential massacre after the murder of Medgar Evans…”


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