On Monday, White House director of the Domestic Policy Council Cecilia Munoz said President Obama has no plan to deal with immigration if Congress fails to come up with an immigration reform plan. Munoz said that lawmakers would be pressed into doing something: “It’s not just the advocacy groups in Washington hearing [about immigration reform]. You’re going to see members of congress hearing from pastors in their district, you’re going to see them hearing from local growers in their district, from business leaders in their districts. The consensus around immigration reform is incredibly strong. It’s bipartisan. It has depth in community all around the country and I think lawmakers are going to be seeing this, this August,” she told Fox News’ Juan Williams.

Munoz said that Obama would only approve a bill with certain elements: “What’s important is that the end result … that the thing which gets to the president’s desk address border security, address what happens on the pathway to citizenship for the 11 million people that are working here without papers.”

She said that President Obama wasn’t just making an issue of immigration to run on it in 2014 in an attempt to win back the House of Representatives for Democrats: “That’s an incredible argument to me. I work for a guy who has run his last race.”