Palin Blasts 'Cowardly' Obama for Calling Admin's Scandals 'Phony'

Palin Blasts 'Cowardly' Obama for Calling Admin's Scandals 'Phony'

On Friday, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin blasted President Barack Obama for calling his administration’s scandals “phony,” saying that was an “atrocious” thing to do. 

Appearing on Fox News’s On The Record, Palin referred to scandals like Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS’s targeting of conservatives, and the National Security Agency’s domestic spying.

She then asked, “Which one is a phony scandal?” 

Palin asked if Benghazi, where “200-plus years of honorable military ethos was thrown out the window when we left our own to be slaughtered by Muslims,” was a phony scandal. 

She said the government “spies and lies,” and once again asked if all of these scandals were phony. 

“Americans are smarter than the lamestream media give them credit,” Palin said, noting regular Americans are figuring out the “hypocrisies” and “lies” coming from the Obama administration by doing their own homework. 

She again emphasized how the mainstream media members who are supposed to be the “referees” and the “cornerstone” of democracy will not do their jobs in reporting on Obama. She said that was “dangerous” and “unfortunate” for the country, because it makes Obama believe he will not be held to account. 

Palin said the American people are full of hope, knowledge, and good intent and are doing the job the media should be doing.


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