The NAACP will be voting to ratify a number of resolutions at their annual convention in Orlando. The resolutions range from supporting the implementation of Obamacare, to advocating for the Global Arms Trade Treaty, to supporting Micronesians living in the United States.
Black conservatives have long opposed the NAACP’s marriage to liberal advocacy causes. In February, Ryan Bomberger, a black artist, was sued by the NAACP for trademark infringement when he used the organization’s name to oppose abortion.
FreedomWorks Outreach Director Deneen Borelli commented:
As a black conservative, I’ve been attacked for communicating my values of individual liberty and economic opportunity for all Americans. The NAACP refuses to defend my right to express my views, despite my numerous attempts to contact their headquarters. Sadly, this once venerable civil rights organization has morphed into a political arm of the progressive movement, and it reserves its advocacy for left-wing causes and individuals. We are asking the NAACP to end their selective representation of black victims of racial discrimination, and to provide a voice for black conservatives to speak at their events.
FreedomWorks activists will have a screening of Runaway Slave on Monday night at the Westin Orlando Universal Blvd Hotel. The hotel is located across from the Orlando convention center, where the NAACP is meeting.
Below is the table of contents from the NAACP resolution packet.
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