Appearing Tuesday on The Sean Hannity Show, syndicated across the country, former vice presidential candidate and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin told Hannity that she had considered running for the Senate from her home state.
Hannity asked her whether she would support the formation of a third party, a “Freedom Party”; she answered, “Well, it’s certainly not my first choice. The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln and Reagan and the planks in the platform are right for this country. I stand strong on those planks. I just wish more of our leadership and the movers and shakers in the party would stand strong on those planks with the rest of us, those of us who want to stop Barack Obama’s transformation of America….If they in the party abandon us, we have no other choice, but it’s not the first choice to go there.”
Hannity then asked Palin if she had considered running for Senate from Alaska. “I’ve considered it because people have requested me considering it, but I’m still waiting to see what the lineup will be….I’m glad you brought that up because Sen. Mark Begich has got to be replaced. He has not done what he has promised to do for the people of Alaska, and that was to represent what it is that the nation needs in terms of energy development and so many other natural resource development issues that are near and dear to an Alaskan’s heart. Because he’s on the wrong side of the aisle, he has to go along to get along with his Democrat leadership, and that’s a shame, that’s a waste of opportunity for our nation.”
Hannity pressed her on the issue, asking if she saw that there was no one viable entering that race, would that “propel” her into the race. Palin answered, “Well, I think any American with a heart for service has to always have in the back of their mind that they would do anything, everything that they could to help the cause, even if perhaps if it’s something that doesn’t look necessarily appealing or necessarily fitting in with a conventional plan that they would try to orchestrate for themselves and their family. I, along with anybody, would have to say that I would do whatever I could to help, and if that was part of that help, then it would have to be considered.”
Ben Shapiro is Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the New York Times bestseller “Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America” (Threshold Editions, January 8, 2013).