Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) recently informed the nation that July Fourth isn’t just for fireworks and independence any more. It is also the day we should “celebrate” Obamacare.
Sure July Fourth is traditionally celebrated as the day we declared independence from Great Britain, an action that preceded the Revolutionary War and set the tone for our nascent nation. But now it has another significance. As far as Pelosi is concerned it is “health independence” day, too.
“Next week, when we celebrate Independence Day we’ll also be observing health independence,” Pelosi said during a press briefing recorded by CSPAN. She goes on to say that, “this week marks one year since the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act. It captures the spirit of our founders. The spirit they wrote in the Declaration of Independence… So, we’ve had Social Security, Medicare, and now health independence, and that’s something our members will take home to celebrate over this Independence Day.”
Pelosi also bent history to chide the GOP saying that if Paul Revere was a Republican, today he would be running through the streets shouting “sequester is coming!”
Transcript of Pelosi’s opening segment
Pretty soon we’ll all be leaving for the Fourth of July recess. Next week, when we celebrate Independence Day we’ll also be observing health independence.
This week marks one year since the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act. It captures the spirit of our founders. The spirit they wrote in the Declaration of Independence: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Affordable Care Act offers just that–a healthier life and the liberty to pursue a person’s happiness to be free of constraint, be job-locked, because they’re policy-locked and so if you wanted to be a cameraman, a writer, you want to be self employed, if you want to be, start a business, if you want to change jobs, whatever it is you want to do you are free, you have the liberty to do.
So, we’ve had Social Security, Medicare, and now health independence, and that’s something our members will take home to celebrate over this Independence Day.
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