On Tuesday, Aneesh Chopra lost his race for the Democratic lieutenant governor nomination in Virginia to State Senator Ralph Northam, dealing a potential blow to Democrat Terry McAuliffe’s campaign for governor.
With 98% of the vote in, Northam had 54.2 of the vote to Chopra’s 45.8%.
Chopra is of Indian descent, from Northern Virginia, and was the former Chief Technology Officer of the United States in President Barack Obama’s administration and the Secretary of Technology for Governor Tim Kaine. Many believed he would have given McAuliffe a boost at the polls in his bid for governor against Republican Ken Cuccinelli by exciting the considerable Southeast Asian population and young Obama coalition in Northern Virginia.
That will not happen now, as Northam will run against Republican E.W. Jackson.
Chopra tweeted his congratulations on Tuesday night to Northam.
Virginia Democrats also nominated State Senator Mark Herring to run against Republican State Senator Mark Obenshain for attorney general. Obenshain, the son of the late Richard Obenshain, spoke to Breitbart News after he received the Republican nomination. He is seen as a potential rising star in the conservative movement.