WH 'Champion of Change' Sponsors CA Law to Revoke Non-Profit Status for Religious Youth Groups

WH 'Champion of Change' Sponsors CA Law to Revoke Non-Profit Status for Religious Youth Groups

Despite the Boy Scouts’ attempt to avoid Democratic ire over their policy prohibiting homosexual scouts – last week the Boy Scouts voted to allow openly gay scouts – the California State Senate rammed through a bill attempting to strip the Scouts of their non-profit status. The bill would do far more than that, actually – it would effectively strip non-profit status from any religious youth organization in the state.

The supposed rationale for continuing the jihad on the Boy Scouts is the Scouts’ continued policy of banning openly gay Scoutmasters. “They are out of line with the values of California and should be ineligible for a tax benefit paid for by all Californians,” said Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens), who introduced the bill. “SB 323 brings our laws into line with our values.” Lara is gay, and one of the eight members of the California Legislative LGBT Caucus. He won a White House “Champions of Change” award last week.

But the law doesn’t stop with the Boy Scouts. It would block tax-exempt status for any youth group in the state that discriminates based on sexual orientation or gender identification. In other words, no more Boy Scouts, no more Girl Scouts, no more religious youth groups.

The war on religion in California is in full swing. Should the Supreme Court revoke Proposition 8, look for both the state and federal governments to come after the non-profit status of any traditional religious institution in America.

Ben Shapiro is Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the New York Times bestseller “Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America” (Threshold Editions, January 8, 2013).


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