Former Obama Campaign Spokeswoman Becomes Top State Department Spokeswoman

Former Obama Campaign Spokeswoman Becomes Top State Department Spokeswoman

With President Obama’s decision to promote central Benghazi talking points manipulator Victoria Nuland, her position as State Department spokeswoman opens up. And continuing his pattern of giving plum jobs to his former campaign officials, Obama is slated to hand that position over to political hack Jen Psaki, who was Obama’s traveling press secretary in 2012. She is considered a potential candidate to replace White House press secretary Jay Carney.

Psaki is a controversial figure thanks to her repeated lies during the campaign cycle that the Obama administration knew nothing about Joe Soptic, the subject of a campaign ad from the pro-Obama Super PAC Priorities USA. Soptic once worked for a company owned by Bain Capital; the company was shut down, and he lost his health insurance. His wife later died of cancer. The ad blamed Romney, despite the fact that Soptic’s wife had her own health insurance. Psaki originally claimed ignorance about Soptic, even though Soptic was featured on an Obama campaign conference call.

Yesterday, President Obama nominated his former campaign political director, Katherine Archuleta, to head up the Office of Personnel Management.

Ben Shapiro is Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the New York Times bestseller “Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America” (Threshold Editions, January 8, 2013).


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