Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA), who is running for the Senate seat abandoned by Secretary of State John Kerry, has released a new ad attacking his Republican opponent, businessman Gabriel Gomez, who trails by just four percentage points in the latest polls. The ad links Gomez with Osama bin Laden.

It opens with an MSNBC host talking about the group OPSEC ripping President Obama for revealing national security secrets for political purposes. OPSEC said that Obama’s willingness to reveal that information turned the killing of bin Laden into “an intelligence disaster.”

Gomez, a former Navy SEAL, was a member of OPSEC, and appeared on MSNBC to talk about the ad. Markey chose to juxtapose Gomez’s face with Bin Laden’s by playing the OPSEC ad next to a picture of Gomez from MSNBC.

The ad is reminiscent of then-Senate candidate Saxby Chambliss’ ad against triple amputee Max Cleland in the Georgia Senate race of 2002; that ad juxtaposed Cleland with figures ranging from Osama Bin Laden to Saddam Hussein.

The ad then continues with scary music and quotes from liberal media:

The ad then shows a clip of Gomez stating, “I’m a new type of Republican.” And then the final white on black caption: “NOT REALLY … GABRIEL GOMEZ: Just another Republican.”