Obama Group To Target Anti-Gun Control Senate Dems

Obama Group To Target Anti-Gun Control Senate Dems

Organizing for Action (OFA) executive director Jon Carson said his group will now pour resources into opposing Senators who opposed gun control–especially Democrat Senators.

This means Sens. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), Mark Begich (D-AK), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), and Mark Pryor (D-AR) are marked for defeat by their own party.

While OFA does not engage “in electoral politics,” they can go from now until the 2014 elections doing what they will to create a divide between these Senators and their constituents.

Said Carson: “This is one of those moments where we have to prove that in the face of a setback we’re not backing down. That’s the calculation that some Senators were mistaken on…The consequences they’re going to have to face are a bunch of angry constituents who are going to keep the issue alive.”

On the other hand, Carson said OFA will support Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) and “show how much they appreciate his leadership.”


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