On Friday, career criminal Eric Brown of Virginia pleaded guilty to stealing a truck with the TOTUS – the Teleprompter of the United States – inside. He accepted a sentence of seven years, four years longer than federal sentencing guidelines, in order to avoid cumulative prosecutions for other offenses. The truck itself was not marked as government or White House property.

“The theft of government property is a serious offense,” said Assistant US Attorney Roderick Young. “It’s all the more serious when the property belongs to the White House Communications Agency.” Why the crime would be more serious thanks to the presence of TOTUS went unanswered.

While Brown certainly deserves his sentence, it is certainly noteworthy that the Obama Department of Justice has so far achieved sentences totaling zero years on the New Black Panthers intimidating voters in Philadelphia, and the Department of Justice itself overseeing the flow of weapons into Mexico in Operation Fast and Furious. Meanwhile, President Obama has ordered the release of thousands of illegal immigrant detainees.