After Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) outed his illegitimate daughter after tweeting pet names at her via Twitter, you might think he’d stay away from tweeting about women for a while. Unfortunately for the Congressman, he didn’t. After watching washed-up singer Cyndi Lauper scream into a microphone at the White House Memphis soul concert, Cohen tweeted: “@cyndilauper great night, couldn’t believe how hot u were.see you again next Tuesday.try a little tenderness.” He then deleted the tweet.
He tweeted a second time: “Cyndi,Wow what a night!See you next Tuesday and Try a little tenderness again!Wow!What a special night.Thanks Steve.” He deleted that one, too.
Cohen refused comment about the tweets, even though back in January, he tweeted, “Cyndi Lauper at Dem luncheon at Italian embassy/true colors which should b our anthem.”
On Thursday, Cohen still couldn’t let go of his Lauper obsession; he refused to have a change of heart, since there was a hole in his heart all the way to China. Time after time, he talked about the night to remember. On the floor of the House, he said, “While there were a lot of great performers there, I want to put a particular shout-out to Ms. Cyndi Lauper, ’cause she’s special.” He singled out her performance of Try a Little Tenderness and called it “phenomenal,” adding that she was a “phenomenal lady.” Presumably, Lauper enjoyed all of this. After all, girls just wanna have fun.
Ben Shapiro is Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the New York Times bestseller “Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America” (Threshold Editions, January 8, 2013).
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