President Barack Obama met Tuesday with the usual suspects of left-wing advocacy groups to discuss immigration. The White House calls them “progressive and labor leaders” and “business leaders.”

The White House described the summit this way:

In the afternoon, the President will continue his dialogue with outside leaders on a number of issues – including immigration reform and how it fits into his broader economic agenda, and his efforts to achieve balanced deficit reduction. The President will host two separate meetings at the White House, one with progressive and labor leaders and the other with business leaders. These meetings in the Roosevelt Room are closed press.

Take a look at the guest list. First, the “progressive and labor leaders”:

Deepak Bhargava, Center for Community Change

Marshall Fitz, Center for American Progress

Wade Henderson, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights

Marielena Hincapie, National Immigration Law Center


Ben Jealous, NAACP

Cristina Jimenez, United We Dream

Eliseo Medina, SEIU

Mee Moua, Asian American Justice Center

Janet Murguia, National Council of la Raza

Ali Noorani, National Immigration Forum

Arturo Rodriguez, United Farm Workers

Frank Sharry, America’s Voice

Rachel Tiven, Immigration Equality

Gustavo Torres, Casa de Maryland

Richard Trumka, AFL-CIO

And the business leaders:

Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman and CEO, Goldman Sachs Group

Greg Brown, Chairman and CEO, Motorola Solutions

 Steve Case, Chairman and CEO, Revolution LLC

Joe Echevarria, CEO, Deloitte LLP

Paul Jacobs, Chairman and CEO, Qualcomm

Muhtar Kent, Chairman and CEO, The Coca Cola Company

Klaus Kleinfeld, Chairman and CEO, Alcoa

Monica Lozano, CEO, Impremedia

Marissa Mayer, President and CEO, Yahoo!

Greg Page, Chairman and CEO, Cargill

Jeff Smisek, Chairman and CEO, United Continental

Arne Sorenson, President and CEO, Marriott International

Funny, Walmart isn’t represented.