Sen. Durbin Suggests New Solution on Budget: Another Commission!

Sen. Durbin Suggests New Solution on Budget: Another Commission!

America has a debt crisis. And Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) has a solution: a commission! The last fiscal commission President Obama tried was Simpson-Bowles, which called for serious entitlement reform and massive spending cuts. Obama rejected their recommendations. Now Durbin wants another commission to deal with Social Security. He told MSNBC’s Morning Joe:

We should put together something like a Simpson-Bowles Commission to report back to us for the solvency of Social Security. Right now it’s going to last for another 22 years untouched, but we have to make it stronger, longer.

Of course, Social Security won’t last nearly that long if America continues to spend at the pace it is currently spending – there aren’t enough tax dollars in the world for that. And another commission won’t help that so long as Democrats demagogue the issue of Social Security, scaring old folks into believing that their cash will be taken away by greedy Republicans intent on privatization.


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