How fitting that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, He-Who-Invests-Millions-To-Destroy-The-Coal-Industry, has endorsed Barack Obama, Commander-In-Chief-Of-Destroying-The-Coal-Industry.

It’s not surprising; Bloomberg donated $50 million to the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign in July 2011. And just how did Mary Anne Hitt, the Director of the Beyond Coal campaign characterize her mission?

Now we’re turning our efforts to making sure that the existing fleet of outdated coal plants gets cleaned up or phased out — and is replaced by solar and wind energy that’s ready to fill our energy needs, create new jobs, and jump-start the green economy.

Say good-bye to those coal jobs, you dirty miners, and please send a thank-you note to Mayor Bloomberg, will you? Remember what Bloomberg told Time Magazine: “Coal kills every day. It’s a dirty fuel.”

And furthermore, as Bloomberg said:

If we are going to get serious about reducing our carbon footprint in the United States, we have to get serious about coal. Ending coal power production is the right thing to do, because while it may seem to be an inexpensive energy source the impact on our environment and the impact on public health is significant.  Coal is a self-inflicted public health risk, polluting the air we breathe, adding mercury to the water we drink and the leading cause of climate disruption.

Besides, those gas shortages we’re seeing in the very city whose mayoralty Bloomberg bought are precisely because of global warming fanatics like Bloomberg; the same people who won’t permit increased drilling on federal lands.

Bloomberg endorses Obama. He thinks his endorsement is a Big Gulp, but it’s only a tiny yawn.